
Curriculum and material development

October 21, 2019

In the modern age, it is critical to have learning process able to adhere to the students’ purpose.

ziziAfrique has been instrumental in curriculum and material development, ziziAfrique has supported Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) to ensure relevant learning material for the target group. The curriculum was for girls in catchup programme, teachers’ guide, learners’ workbooks. While developing the required materials, ziziAfrique has ensured that the curriculum and materials developed are relevant to the targeted cohort of 10-19 years, are age appropriate and cognizant of gender and inclusion aspects which are core to the project design. Additionally, concerning evidence action ziziAfrique was commissioned to develop teaching and learning materials for accelerated learning.

Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO), Kenya (May 2019)

ziziAfrique supported VSO Kenya to lead an assorted team comprising of government officers, development actors and project participants in accomplishing the following:

  1. Development/adaptation of learning assessment tools for assessing the girls’ abilities in literacy and numeracy at entry point and progressive acquisition of functional literacy and numeracy skills
  2. Development/adaptation of a Teachers’ Needs Assessment/Gap analysis tool: this will provide benchmarks for each volunteer teacher in the project that will inform continuous professional development through coaching and mentorship processes
  3. Development/adaptation of a functional literacy (English and Kiswahili) and numeracy curriculum that will be used by volunteer teachers to deliver learning sessions for girls at the catch-up centres in readiness for the selected girls to choose the suitable pathways for transition.
  4. Leading the process of developing functional literacy and numeracy teaching and learning materials for use by the volunteer teachers and girls during catch-up sessions.

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